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Pautan Pantas :

Selamat Tahun Baru 2019


Unit Praktikum adalah Unit yang menguruskan urusan Amalan Profesional guru pelatih IPGKPT. Praktikum ialah latihan mengajar komponen wajib dalam program Pendidikan guru. Tugas Unit Praktikum meliputi urusan PBS, Praktikum, Internship, Taklimat, perlantikan penyelia dan penempatan latihan guru, penyeliaan dan pemantauan guru pelatih, serta penyelarasan Amalan Profesional.

The Practicum Unit manages the teaching professionalism of the teacher trainees in the institute. Teaching Practicum is a compulsory component structured in the teacher training programme. Therefore, the responsibility of this unit consists of managing the placement of interns, running workshops and teaching supervisions for the  Internship Programmes , School Based Project, Teaching Practicum and coordinating the Professionalism Practices.

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